For your competitive business

Aerreidc International Design Consulting deals with Strategic Commercial Consultancy, Management and 360 ° operational, with the aim of specifically supporting the S.M.E. ( Small and Medium companies)  throughout the Home Design sectors (Furniture, Indoor and Outdoor Finishes, Bathroom Furnishings and Hydro-thermo-sanitary) in their evolution processes towards the optimization and increase of performances in the International and Domestic Commercial field (Strategic Analysis – Support to the Company Management / Property – Sales networks – Products – Image).

Your Success is
Our Mission.

If you’re wondering why your competitors outperform your results, even if your product is better, you’ve come to the right place to know the answer. Often the enemy that hinders the success of your business is much closer to your organization than you think, indeed, it is right inside it, there between the marketing and sales area where very often frictions are created that prevent you from achieve results despite efforts. In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to have the will to face it and this often involves changing perspective and looking where up to now the right attention has not been paid … where? Aerreidc International Design Consulting, after a first in-depth preliminary evaluation, will be able to advise and support you in the areas of intervention with decreasing criticality, whether your problem will be the commercial structure or the improvement of the performances and communication of your product or your chain, of global suppliers, as well as the operation of your facility.

The main services:

Each company has a different history and path, based on our many years of experience, the main areas of action, which influence the company performances, on which we operate, after a careful and objective preliminary evaluation, with the customer who chooses to entrust us with an assignment, are:

Business Strategic Consultancy

We carry out a targeted strategic management consulting activity, advising our client, in a constant support activity, in the structural setting of what must be done to develop the company, the path needed to do it and the tools necessary to achieve the objectives set. All with an already consolidated methodology, over the years and constantly updated following the continuous regulatory changes and changes in the various markets.

Market Researches

We carry out research, market analysis and product testing at an international and national level, in the areas of Home Design (Furniture, Indoor and Outdoor Finishes, Bathroom Furnishings and Plumbing and Heating). We study and analyze on your behalf all the phenomena of the target market relevant for any type of business choice. The market research methods we use (and most useful) involve the integration of qualitative and quantitative analysis. In other words, market research is a prime example of how a multidisciplinary approach is the only one capable of providing an overview for a correct implementation of business strategies.

Creation of sales forces

We create or improve your international and national sales network for you, we support you at all stages from identifying the best commercial solution to distribute and increase the visibility of your product, researching, activating and training your sales force. We have been operating for years specifically in the fields of Home Design (Furniture, Indoor and Outdoor Finishes, Bathroom Furnishings and Plumbing and Heating) with success stories, in order to allow you to have much more strength in the field to achieve your business goals.

Import / Export consultancy

A mix of evaluations is linked to the import and export process, this means that, between us and our customer, there is an exchange of information free from ambiguity. We support you in all import and export practices and documentation in all markets around the world. In short, it is necessary to create the right mix between the choice of suppliers or customers, payment conditions, risk containment, cost reduction, process efficiency, speed of execution… and more.

Suppliers' research

The supply chain has changed considerably over the past decade. Companies have focused as much as possible on optimizing their processes in terms of: lowering costs and maximizing the use of assets, but also the certainty of supply, but losing sight of an important feature: flexibility. Today more than ever, due to the uncertain situation we are experiencing, it is necessary to better manage collaboration with suppliers and overcome the critical conditions that are emerging. The main need is the reduction of costs, but also the in-depth knowledge of one’s own supplier base in terms of reliability is a fundamental element to consider. We have an extensive network of contacts to resolve and maximize your procurement and sub-supply sources. We will look for the best solution for you in terms of reliability and costs at national and international level, constantly informing you about the results.

Qualitative inspections of your suppliers

We will carry out on your behalf, audits at your usual suppliers, both documentary and compliance, with the aim of increasing the quality of the products requested, through communication and proactivity, trying to understand the underlying causes of an error and preventing them through correct setting of the work cycles. We will be able to organize pre-evaluation (pre-assessment) checks at your potential suppliers in order to validate their correspondence both on a documentary and qualitative level, drafting a detailed report that will allow you to make the best decisions.

“If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got.”

 Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company

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    Aerreidc International Design Consulting